Paternity Lawyers in Overland Park
Defending Fathers’ Rights
Having a child can be one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences of your life. But when it comes to paternity and family law, fathers often find themselves at odds with the legal system. Families are changing across the nation and fathers now have more roles to play than ever before. Even so, laws still largely favor mothers, leaving fathers in difficult situations regarding child custody and other family law matters.
Fathers often face greater challenges when it comes to asserting their legal rights, as they may not have the same protections that mothers do concerning issues such as parenting time and parental responsibility. As a result, fathers may need additional help from experienced paternity lawyers in Overland Park to protect their rights and gain access to justice.
Whether you’re seeking custody or visitation rights for your children, or if you’re fighting for financial support from an absent parent, our team of compassionate attorneys will fight hard on your behalf. With years of experience, you can rest assured knowing that we have what it takes to protect your interests and those of any minor children involved in the situation. If you need help understanding how paternity laws work and how they affect fathers in Overland Park, contact us today at 913-514-0909, and let us put our knowledge into action!
How do you Determine Paternity?
Paternity can be legally resolved in one of two ways. The first is through voluntary acknowledgment, where both parties agree that the father is indeed the biological father. Unmarried parents must sign an Acknowledgment of Paternity to prove their child’s legal paternity. Parents must voluntarily sign the document. You might want to consult a lawyer before signing an Acknowledgement of Paternity.
The other way paternity can be established is through a court order after an administrative hearing or on a trial basis. In this case, there must be evidence to support legal paternity and it will typically require a DNA test for confirmation. After such tests are completed, if paternity can be established by clear and convincing evidence, then it is legally determined that the male in question is indeed the child’s father.
Paternity determinations may also be included in child support orders in family court. If the child’s mother is seeking child support from the alleged father, she can petition the court for a paternity test. If the alleged father is found to be the biological parent, he will be legally obligated to pay. The opposite is true if the mother wants to challenge the paternity of the presumed father.
Why is It Important to Establish Paternity?
Establishing paternity is an important step in creating a secure and stable relationship between a father and his child. This can provide the child with financial stability, access to health insurance, and other essential benefits. In addition, establishing paternity provides legal rights to the father that will ensure he can remain involved in important decision-making processes concerning his child’s upbringing.
Establishing paternity in a paternity case often requires a court order or DNA testing to ensure the right individual is recognized as the child’s legal father. Having an experienced lawyer on your side during this process can be invaluable when navigating these complicated family law proceedings. Our team is here when you and your family are going through paternity issues.
What Follows the Establishment of Paternity?
Once paternity has been established, many other matters may need to be settled. A paternity lawyer can help with these issues as well, such as:
- Determining child support payments
- Drafting or enforcing parenting plans
- Creating custody agreements
- Settling disputes regarding visitation rights
- Identifying possible tax credits for the parent paying child support
When it comes to determining the amount of money that one parent should pay in child support to another, several factors are taken into account by the court. These include both parents’ incomes, whether or not either party is currently supporting other children, and the amount of time each parent spends with the child.
How can Barnds Law LLC Help?
At Barnds Law LLC, our experienced and compassionate paternity and family law attorneys understand the emotional stress that comes with these types of cases. We aim to help clients resolve their legal issues quickly and efficiently in a way that benefits them. Our lawyers know the laws of our state inside and out, providing you with sound advice from start to finish.
Besides establishing paternity, our team can assist in filing for custody or adoption, determining visitation rights, establishing child support payments, settling alimony concerns, dividing assets during divorce proceedings, handling prenuptial agreements, drawing up cohabitation contracts, and more. No matter what issue you are facing regarding paternity or family law matters we are here to assist you every step of the way—call 913-514-0909 for your consultation.